innebandyturnering. yeah!
Innebandyturnering idag! Även om vi inte vann så var det otroligt kul, speciellt när vi var med åtttta c! ;) Jag gav verkligen allt för att slå 8a, dom är lite ja.... ni vet! Ikväll är det handbollsträning, för vi har match imorgon! Mot HKLINNE! så tagga nu, hihi! Vi kan inte vinna serien tror jag eftersom att Karlsborg har gjort mer måk men, så här bra som det gått denna säsongen så, nöjd! Idag innan turneringen hade jag gitarr, engelska och hemkunskap! Det var riktigt bra, det gillas. På fredag är det fritidsgården, med bowling. Det blir lika mysigt som alltid. Hr kommer en text jag skrivy som en slut på inlägget, puss.
it is dark, but I see you anyway. Should I look in another direction or courage to go forward? But I hear a voice when I'm going to walk up to you. A woman screams as the voice loses tons. A man's voice I hear, what has happened? But I dare not put me in. I try to run a bit forward, but still continues her voice against me. But I imagine ... When I take a few steps will thunder up and the rain pouring down on me. So even if I'm wet, hears voices, I know that you are at me anytime. I continued onto the street, a bird chirping dies after wind gust. But the rain pours, more and more I think about it. Petals of flowers filled with water and bend as they would wither. A text in my head tells me that I am strong and I can handle everything I want!
it is dark, but I see you anyway. Should I look in another direction or courage to go forward? But I hear a voice when I'm going to walk up to you. A woman screams as the voice loses tons. A man's voice I hear, what has happened? But I dare not put me in. I try to run a bit forward, but still continues her voice against me. But I imagine ... When I take a few steps will thunder up and the rain pouring down on me. So even if I'm wet, hears voices, I know that you are at me anytime. I continued onto the street, a bird chirping dies after wind gust. But the rain pours, more and more I think about it. Petals of flowers filled with water and bend as they would wither. A text in my head tells me that I am strong and I can handle everything I want!
